Monday, November 06, 2006

*new beds!*

There was, indeed, great excitement yesterday afternoon upon the girls' return from grandma and grandad's house; Ed and I had worked very hard to assemble their new beds and get the rooms tidy, but these jobs always take longer than you think they're going to. Anyway, the girls had chosen their own bedding from the IKEA catalogue:



Both sets are really lovely; there are quirky little details, like mice peeping out, or the odd dragonfly here and there. Needless to say, the girls love them, which is the main thing. This is the corner of F's bedroom where the new bed is:


And, similarly, A's bedroom:
You can't see it, but to the right of A's bed there is a leaf like this one, the tip of which hangs over the end where she sleeps.

We don't think we've ever seen them as excited as they were yesterday; I wish I could bottle that excitement and enthusiasm. There is a dragon on A's bedspread, and she now wishes to be addressed as 'Prince George'.

F is Princess Rose...

The rooms aren't finished; we need to paint the walls and do a bit of rearranging, and I want to get lights for the play area underneath the beds, but for the time being, I'm pretty pleased with how they've turned out!


Anonymous said...

They look fab and bless their excited little faces xxx

tlawwife said...

How exciting for them. I would love a bed like either of those.

Anonymous said...

Both rooms look wonderful Jo! So pretty and girly:)

Anonymous said...

ohh I love there new bedding, so cute!

Anonymous said...

Can I come for a sleep over?? Those rooms look so fabulous...wonder if DH would mind me redecorating our room....hehe

Debbie said...

aww they look so happy! will you adopt me - i wanna princess bedroom!!

Jen said...

OOoh can you come and redesign MY bedroom? I want to be a princess too ;) Gorgeous pics! BTW it was Anita Mundt's blog I was talking about :(

Anonymous said...

They are such beautiful girls , stunning eyes always look happy.
Hope there are no caterpillars now.

Cath said...

How flippin fantastic!

Gretel said...

Wonderful rooms! Freya's face is priceless!

Kirsty Wiseman said...

check their new oads out!!! Bedtime is going to be so much fun (and easier!!) from now on.

love their faces too - wee cherubs they are !