Tuesday, October 17, 2006

*the simplest of things...*


A beautiful card arrived this morning, bearing the image of this gorgeous creature, 'lilac elephant', from Gretel, the illustrator herself. It brought a smile to my face because a) it is so rare to get a good, old-fashioned piece of handwritten mail these days, especially one you're not expecting, and b) I am gushy and adoring of Gretel's work to the point of sycophancy. I happened upon her blog a little while ago, and we have discovered that we aren't that far from one another, geographically, and have therefore extended an open invitation for a drop-in for a cuppa!! If you're looking for something a little different in the Christmas card stakes, check out these beauties - they are top of my must-have list! Thank you, Gretel - I anticipate being in the vicinity very soon - get the kettle on, and I'll bring the cake!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a fabby card.

Gretel is very talented will go and have a lookie at her blog xxx

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful! Oh to be able to draw!

Gretel said...

Thank you Joanna,I am always pathetically thrilled when someone likes my work, even now, so I am blushing at this post...

Kirsty Wiseman said...

you didnt update today :(

I need something calming to read, i love your blog jo. the words you chuck out gives me great pleasure in looking them up on www.dictionary.com.

Talking of dictionaries, have you read Roger Mellors Profannysaurus? Its hilare xx

Debs said...

Oh those cards are GORGEOUS!!! Going to have a good snoop round Gretels blog. Those images would look great framed for E & S'a new bedroom.