Wednesday, June 06, 2007

*just a quickie...*

Feel like I've had a very busy day, so I'll keep this brief!

The prompt over at her space:my space today was 'bread', and this is my effort, which I'm quite pleased with. Ed bakes a loaf every couple of days, and the smell whilst it's cooking is absolutely divine. I'm not actually eating any at the moment, as part of my weight-loss bid, but nevertheless I can appreciate the beauty of a freshly baked loaf!


Told you it would be brief! Night, all!!


Anonymous said...

Not a great bread lover but a fresh one gets me everytime.

I bought some mix stuff for the breadmaker the other week. I really must use it.

Happy Wednesday xxx

Kirsty Wiseman said...

chuck us a slice in t'post lass. It looks like a blummin better hovis than when i was knee high to a flamin grass hopper

Joy said...

Oooh... I can almost smell it over here! My mom baked bread all the time and the smell always takes me back to my childhood!

Cath said...

WOW, you have major willpower! In our house a fresh loaf is gone within hours! Looks yummy!

domestic goddess said...

good to see you blogging again hun xx

Trish said...

ooohh jo, that looks yummy, you need to try a tiny bit hun :), I love to make bread, don't do it often enough though xxx