Tuesday, August 22, 2006

*final preparations*

My little (big!) girl is going to be 6 tomorrow, and as usual I am woefully disorganised, and am only now about to wrap her presents and write her cards (from us and Anja). We have a tradition of buying presents for siblings on birthdays, and Anja, therefore, will also have a tidy pile of presents awaiting her in the morning, as my parents, sister and auntie have all sent little gifts for her - just a token, but things for her to open. My parents always did this when my sister and I were growing up, and we loved it (who wouldn't?!!) So, I'm away to wrap and write now, and finalise the running order for the party tomorrow afternoon - Freya and Anja plus 12 of Freya's class-mates...you know I will be back tomorrow with an account and photos!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for tomorrow Freya.

Definately separated at birth cos my girlies both get pressies from the birthday and the tooth fairy.

Anonymous said...

Whoops!!! Should have said it was me.

Love Maria xxx

suebaru said...

Lol, me & my sister always got something too on each others birthdays! And it's been passed on to our kids!
Hope Freya has a fab day!xx